Well Filter Installation Diagram
Well filter installation diagram. We sell many other types of Iron filters. But only when Terminox™ ISM is not the right filter. Also we carry Birm filters and Greensand filters. And we can treat your water problems for a fraction of the cost of those in home sales companies. We are the well water filter online leaders worldwide. Please let our expert technicians help you determine the right filter for you. BEWARE of "slicksters" and "snake oil salesmen" trying to sell water softeners as Iron filters. That should be your first indication that something is wrong.

Well Filter Installation Diagram
In most cases we can solve your problems inexpensively. And without air injectors or chemicals. Everything we use is premium quality equipment. Get your water tested by an independent source (not someone who sells water equipment in people's private homes). We offer free testing if you need it.
Iron and pH are tests you need at the very least. Use a local lab. But price shop those labs. We have found that plumber and people who sell water equipment. Almost ALWAYS do a lousy job of testing water for some reason. You want to be SURE about your numbers. You never want to wonder if the testing was accurate.
TERMINOX™ Ultra All Purpose Chemical Free, Salt Free, Maintenance Free Well Water Filter: Pyrolox used to be our main technology for iron, sulfur and manganese treatment. Until we developed something even better which is our Terminox™ ISM. W
e are the ONLY company with Terminox™. And we have exclusive access to this highly effective technology. And it is far more effective than outdated Pyrolox units sold by other companies. Also it rarely needs more mineral added down the road. View our line of
Terminox™ filters.
Iron, sulfur and manganese are
HISTORY with this amazing Pyrolox media iron filter. No harsh chemicals. Nothing to add. Just set it and forget it. This iron,
sulfur and manganese filter has a much better filtration capability than birm filters. Or air injection and pump methods. View
Pyrolox filter sizes and prices. I
f you want a Pyrolox filter. We are the originators and still offer it. And we are better at sizing Pyrolox properly than anyone else. We were the first to sell in online.MANGANESE GREENSAND FILTER
Remove iron, sulfur and manganese using
pot perm. Most commonly used for lower flow rate wells. Compare to iron filters costing up to $3500! View our line of
Greensand filters.
A Birm filter does not require chemicals. Only periodic backwashing is required. Compare to iron filters costing three times as much! View
Birm filter sizes and prices.
Iron bacteria can be often found in well water. And other non-chlorinated water supplies. The bacteria eats the iron so it is not always possible to see all of the iron. Iron bacteria found in well water. Usually has a habit of clumping in the corners of the storage tank in the back of your toilet.
Complete systems priced from $324.
These systems operate by passing low pH (acidic) water through either the Calcite or Calcite plus media. And that mineral is dissolved into the water. And that balances out the pH level. Also you can raise pH by means of injecting a pH raising mixture into the water line. View
Acid Neutralizing filter sizes and prices. Please feel free to call us at our toll-free number
800-684-0979. And a friendly water tech will help you decide what is right for you. If you have any test results, please share them with the water tech. For more information please read items 7, 16 and 17 on this page:
Please Note: Some assembly is required on most purchases. On any iron filter you should contact our tech support staff before beginning installation for instructions. The instructions are usually pretty simple. But is often necessary. Thank you.
Checkout the cities and states that we serve throughout this country!Well Filter Installation Diagram