Contact Water Filters of America
CONTACT US at Water Filters of America by phone or e-mail for anything you might need. Please be sure to look below to see what the best way to contact us might be.

For Existing Customers:
First try looking at our Tech Support Guide
If you still have questions you can email us at
Or call our tech support hotline at: 412.828.6003 (Call this number if you need technical support or are installing a new system. This number is for existing customers ONLY)
(Answered 24 Hours a day by HUMANS)
Please use this phone number if you are NOT an existing customer. Have all of your questions answered by professional technicians. This phone number is answered 24/7. If you are an existing customer of any kind, even if you need to buy something. Please call the tech support hotline
Product Return Addresses:
We have manufacturing plants and warehousing entities throughout the US. Please call 412-828-6003 for assistance to direct returned items to the proper location. A return number is required for ALL returns. Please do not send returned items to our mailing address as we can not accept them there.
Technical Support Emergencies:
If you are an existing customer with an emergency and you call our number and get an answering service, or someone tells you they will have a technician call you right back; please inform them you are a customer who needs immediate assistance. We generally offer tech support 7 days per week including most Sundays and holidays. If you are not a current customer and you get this message after hours or on holidays or weekends, it may be the next working day before you receive a call. We appreciate your patience. Contact us at Water Filters of America.