Well water filter systems are important. But no well water filter system fixes every well water problem a person could possibly have. EVERY well is unique. And one size DOES NOT fit all situations, no matter what the sales pitch is. So you need to match the right filter to the right problem. We can fix it. And it is surprising how inexpensively you can fix most wells if you go about it in a reasonable way.
It usually only takes 5 or 10 minutes around the house to get us the information we need to help you correct your issues without spending a fortune. Give us a quick call at 800-684-0979, and a very friendly water expert will help you with no sales pitch. Hassle free help. We have included some popular complete well water filter system combinations a little farther down on this page for your convenience.
Answer a few short questions to get your FREE Personalized Water Analysis. Click the button below.
Or email us at: support@waterfiltersofamerica.com
Every water softener or water filter tank we sell comes with a full 10 year warranty. And it comes with a 6 year manufacturer's electronic warranty. That is 2 years longer than the aftermarket Fleck and Autotrol valves that plumbers and entry level sales companies looking for residual income sell.
Plus our electronic controls come with our industry leading "Hard Programmed" technology which means an end to finicky backup batteries and constant reprograming issues every time there is a power failure. Our units can be without power for months, even YEARS and will keep your programmed settings. That makes our well water treatment systems great for remote homes and vacation cabins as well.

No matter what problem you have with your private well water system, we have the correct solution. On this page we list many common questions and answers. And prices for many types of water filters, water softeners and water treatment systems and various components. All of our well water filtration systems are manufactured right here in the good old USA.
Each are made for exactly the kind of problem you have. If you are not sure what you need, just give us a quick call. The call and the advice are FREE. We offer free water testing and free advice, even if you never buy anything from us. No sales pitches or "Dog and Pony Shows" here. Just good HONEST advice you can rely on. See well water systems and prices below.
What do well water filters remove?
Whether you have iron, sulfur, manganese, dirt, turbidity, tastes, odors, tannins, hardness, pH issues, iron bacteria, arsenic, nitrates and other everyday well water issues. Or if you have bacteria issues such as harmful bacterium like e-coli or coliform, chemical contaminants and other unwanted things in your water. We have the correct water filters for you. We have virtually anything you can imagine.
All at reasonable prices. And all are of the very highest quality. We make virtually everything we sell here in the USA. On this page we have numerous variations of our cutting edge well water systems and water filters. Be sure you check one of our water quality techs by phone or by e-mail to be certain you are ordering the correct well water treatment system.
CALL TOLL FREE: 800-684-0979
E-mail: support@waterfiltersofamerica.com
How do I know what I need?
It is always best to follow the instructions under items 7, 16 and 17 on this page: Articles/FAQ's before getting started. Especially if you have any iron, sulfur or manganese in your well water at all. Be very wary of doing business with ANYONE who does not require this essential information.
What CITY water treatment system is best?
If you have chlorinated city or municipal water, please go to this page for the correct equipment choices: Complete Systems.
We consider any water that has been chlorinated and is used for many different homes as "City Water" or "Municipal Water", as far as how we treat it. We consider water that has not had chlorine added to it, as "well water". This includes cisterns, spring water, lake water, well water etc.
Terminox™ Well Water Filters
Our most popular and best well water filter for most well water problems. Of all our water treatment systems for well water, these are by far the most popular item we sell. Because they require no salt, chemicals or maintenance.

Our extremely popular Terminox™ Filters require that you check your flow rate as determined by item #7 on this page: Articles/FAQ's
You should really always know your flow rate anyway, along with having an INDEPENDENT test done on your water by someone who DOES NOT sell water equipment of any kind, including plumbers, well diggers and in home water treatment salespeople. Be sure to read item numbers 7, 16 and 17 on that page. We also offer FREE WATER TESTING. If you would like to send a sample to one of our labs for free "basic" well water testing at no charge, just let us know. If you do not have a conventional well pump and pressure tank set up. Just call and speak with a friendly water tech. He will tell you what you need to do.
These are just some examples of what a lot of people order. Just remember that even if it is just what you think you are looking for, you should still follow some basics before you buy anything. If you are not sure what to do, just give one of our friendly water techs a quick call. Or you can email us too.
Well Water System A: $553
Pre-Filter and Water Softener Combo

Digital Clock Timer Water Softener with a HUGE inline 20" cartridge sediment filter (Replaceable). This large 30,000 grain water softener is great for families of 1-4 people. Gives you soft, clean conditioned water and saves you a fortune on soap products and damaged or corroded plumbing. The inline sediment cartridge water filter removes dirt, sand and other sediment. Replaces all other brands at a fraction of the cost and is made with only the finest national name brand components giving you the highest quality equipment for the lowest possible price.
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Well Water Filter System B $579
Demand Digital Water Softener and Pre-Filter

Demand (Digital Metered) Water Softener (# 7138A,4908-4956) w/inline replaceable huge 20" cartridge sediment filter. This large 30,000 grain water softener is great for families of 1-4 people. The DEMAND units use far less salt than the Clock Timer models. It gives you soft, clean conditioned water and saves you a fortune on soap products and damaged or corroded plumbing. The inline sediment cartridge water filter removes dirt, sand and other sediment. Replaces all other brands of well water systems at a fraction of the cost and is made with only the finest national name brand components giving you the highest quality equipment for the lowest possible price.
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Well Water Treatment System C $728

Demand Water Softener (#7138A,FMRO4J) w/Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System. This large 30,000 grain softener is great for families of 1-4 people. Gives you soft, clean conditioned water and saves you a fortune on soap products and damaged or corroded plumbing. The under the counter RO drinking water filter even has its own stylish faucet. Removes sodium, dirt, bad tastes and odors from your drinking water leaving it crystal clear, purified and delicious. Replaces ALL name brand water softeners and RO's and provides the same, or better quality of water.
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Well Water Filtration System D $792

Demand Water Softener (#4908-4956,7133A,FMRO4J) 30K grain w/ Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System (50 GPD), and 20" Sediment Cartridge filter. This unit features a mineral tank and color coded matching salt tank. It saves you money on the amount of salt (or potassium) you use. It only cleans when it needs to. The Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System purifies your water and removes sodium left behind by water softeners. Saves money on coffee, teas and juices.
Replaces ALL name brand softeners and provides the same, or better quality of water. Clear clean purified water right our of the tap. Better drinking water quality than most bottled waters you find in the store without that plastic bottle taste! The sediment filter takes excess sediment, dirt and sand from the whole house water supply protecting dishwashers, clothes washers and other household plumbing and appliances.
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Well Water Conditioner System E $1327

7" Terminox™, 30K Softener, Reverse Osmosis(#7076B,7138A,FMRO4J) Terminox™ removes iron, sulfur, manganese, sediment, tastes, odors and even harsh chemicals such as chlorine. The 30K Water Softener makes the water soft for softer skin, whiter whites, lots of suds and saves you up to 80% on the soaps and cleaners you use.
That could save you hundreds of dollars each year. The system pays for itself! Conditioned water that makes your skin and clothes so soft. "On Demand" saves you money on the amount of salt (or potassium) you use. It only cleans when it needs to. The Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System purifies your water and removes sodium left behind by water softeners and conditioners. Saves money on coffee, teas and juices. Replaces ALL name brand water softeners and provides the same, or better quality of water. Fresh, clear and luxuriously tasty water for just pennies a day.
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Well Water Filter System F $1856

Chemical Feeder (110v or 220v), 7" Terminox™, Water Softener, Reverse Osmosis (#4701-15,4713,7076B,7138A,FMRO4J) Chem. Feed to add soda ash for pH problems or chlorine for bacteria control or both. Terminox™ removes iron, sulfur, manganese, sediment, tastes, odors and even harsh chemicals such as chlorine. The 30K Water Softener makes the water soft for softer skin, whiter whites, lots of suds and saves you up to 80% on the soaps and cleaners you use.
That could saves you hundreds of dollars each year. The system pays for itself! Conditioned water that makes your skin and clothes so soft. "On Demand" saves you money on the amount of salt (or potassium) you use. It only cleans when it needs to. The Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System purifies your water and removes sodium left behind by softeners and conditioners. Saves money on coffee, teas and juices.
Replaces ALL name brand water softeners and provides the same, or better quality of water. Fresh, clear and luxuriously tasty water for just pennies a day. This system is great for removing iron, sulfur, manganese, tannins, iron bacteria, hardness, sediment and many organic issues. NOTE: If you have e-coli or coliform contamination you will need to add 1 retention tank (120 gallon) for each 6 GPM of flow rate as determined using the method under item #7 on this page: FAQs
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Want to see more complete systems?
What if I have a constant pressure well pump?
Not many people have these. You can't do the normal flow rate check like you can with a conventional well pump and pressure tank type set up. What you are trying to do is determine what is the most water that will ever come down that pipe?
You can either ask the well pump installer what the maximum amount of water is that the system can provide, or call and speak with one of our friendly water techs at 800-684-0979 for assistance. Most constant pressure pumps for residential wells usually deliver a maximum flow of 18-22 GPM. But don't assume. Also, do not use the pump rating that is listed on the pump as your guide. That rating rarely matches what rate is actually coming down that water line because of the many differences in the set up of the water system..
What if I have a variable speed well pump?
Most people do not have a variable speed pump. If you have a well pump and pressure tank both, it likely is not a variable speed pump. You can't do the normal flow rate check like you can with a conventional well pump and pressure tank type set up. What you are trying to do is determine what is the most water that will ever come down that pipe?
You can either ask the well pump installer what the maximum amount of water is that the system can provide, or call and speak with one of our friendly water techs at 800-684-0979 for assistance. Most constant pressure pumps for residential wells usually deliver a maximum flow of 18-22 GPM. But don't assume that to be true. Also, do not use the pump rating that is listed on the pump as your guide. That rating rarely matches what rate is actually coming down that water line because of the many differences in the set up of the water system..
Please Note:
*When using chlorine and a Terminox™ ISM no retention tank is needed to treat iron bacteria normally.
*Sizes listed in the combination systems may not be right for your home. You should be sure to check the flow rate as suggested before you buy anything from anyone.
Click here for additional Well Water Equipment.
Did you know that carbon is the number one breeder of bacteria on private wells? Read about Carbon Problems.
Replaces Culligan®, Ionics®, Hague®, RainSoft® water conditioners and water softeners, and all other premium brands at a fraction of the cost. And in MOST cases provides BETTER water quality!
Please note: Some assembly is required on our well water treatment systems, water softeners, iron filters and some other products. Some filter tanks do not come with tank jackets.
Also note: You MUST have sample ports before and after retention tanks in order to test chlorine levels.
Read on to learn about common sales tactics and things to watch out for on our Compare Methods page.
Other Products Include:
Water Softener - Used in water treatment to remove calcium and magnesium from the water to create soft water and prevent calcium or scale build up and to make soaps more efficient.
Reverse Osmosis - Used in water treatment to reduce the total dissolved solids (TDS) from the water creating pure, clean, great tasting drinking water. Commonly used to greatly reduce the sodium content after a water softener.
Chlorine Injection
Premium Twin Units
Water Storage Tanks
Carbon Tanks
UV Sterilization Systems
Chemical Feed System - Used in water treatment to treat iron bacteria, organics, e-coli, coliform and to neutralize acidic water or raise pH.
Acid Neutralizer - Used in water treatment to neutralize acidic water and to raise the pH level.
Reverse Osmosis - Used in water treatment to reduce the total dissolved solids (TDS) from the water creating pure, clean, great tasting drinking water. Commonly used to greatly reduce the sodium content after a water softener.
Iron Filters - Used in water treatment to remove heavy metals, odors and colors. A good iron filter will remove iron, sulfur, manganese, taste and odor from the water.
Dirt/Turbidity Filter - Used in water treatment to remove dirt, turbidity, sand and sediment from the water.
Well Water Equipment - Where you will find pumps, pressure tanks, pressure switches and well water accessories for getting you well up and running.