- Drink Soft Water
- Carbon Sprinkling
- Non Electric Units
- Acid Neut/Iron Filter
- Carbon Problems
- Chemical Feeders
- Iron Bacteria
- Retention Tanks
- Pyrolox
- Greensand
- Birm
- Iron
- Soap Sell
Water Treatment Sales Tactics
Water treatment sales tactics. The following is an article about poor sales tactics and marginal water filter and water softener applications you will see from in home sales companies and marginal online companies. First we list tactics you may find on municipal water supplies (city water). Following that we list private well water marginal tactics. Please don't hesitate to give us a quick call for a quick evaluation of your issue. Keep in mind our technicians are not allowed to ask you to buy anything or pressure you in ANY way. They just answer your questions and give you great advice. We are the online leader for water treatment worldwide.

Always get your testing from an INDEPENDENT source. Such as a lab or a swimming pool and hot tub store. NEVER have people who sell water treatment equipment come into your home to test. They can add a little water to their hardness test tube, for example. That makes the hardness read much higher.
They often do a PRECIPITATION TEST. This test mixes two chemicals together which makes the hardness in the water precipitate out to the bottom. It is very misleading because the chemical bonding makes it look like there is much more than there actually is. And even though it is simple hardness. And not a factor in safe drinking water. The salesman will oftener look at the hardness in the bottle and say something like: "Did you know you had all of this nasty stuff in your water?" The even color the water like urine to make it looks worse. This is a very common water treatment sales tactic.
City Water Tactics:
Have you ever had a telemarketer call you and offer you some sort of "Free Gift" along with a free water test with "No Obligation?" Well the obligation is you have to listen to the complete sales pitch for a water treatment system often lasting 2 to 4 HOURS! Many people describing how it is almost impossible to get them out of your house unless you say yes to them.
Now one company even has Home Depot scavenging leads from their customers to set you up for sales calls where these companies will try and sell you a water softener system for $5000 to $8000 dollars. Don't be fooled. Please don't hesitate to give us a quick call for a quick evaluation of your issue. Keep in mind our technicians are not allowed to ask you to buy anything or pressure you in ANY way. They just answer your questions and give you great advice. We are the online leader for water treatment worldwide.
The number one thing to watch out for is companies who sell water softeners but never tell you that you should not drink from them.
For more information on this subject please click the link on the left that says "Drink Soft Water".
There are several in home sales companies and now even unscrupulous online companies who add carbon to their softener tanks. This is a dumb thing to do! This is just another kind of water treatment system sales tactics.
To read more about this marginal tactic please click on the link to the left that says "Carbon Sprinkling".
Many companies are using this tactic to justify incredibly high prices for their equipment, especially water softeners. It can be very misleading. They go out and buy really inexpensive soap products from off brand soap companies for generally $100 to $200 and then tell prospective buyers that they are worth thousands of dollars.
To read more click on the link to the left that says "Soap Sell".
Spending thousands of dollars buying a non-electric water softener is normally just plain foolish; especially the ones with twin tanks where the sales person tells you that while one is cleaning itself you can still take a shower with the other tank because you have 24 hour per day soft water. This is just plain nonsense.
To read more about this click on the link to the left that says "Non Electric Units".
If you are the owner of a private well you need to be particularly careful as there are far more unethical applications and many more people trying to confuse you into buying something that will be nothing but headaches and expensive ongoing service calls for many years to come. We see so many amazingly bad applications on private wells that it simply boggles the mind. Companies selling carbon filters for example. They do this to generate residual income for themselves for many years at YOUR expense.
We virtually never use carbon on a private well. It is the number one breeder of bacteria on non-chlorinated well water. And if you are chlorinating there is still virtually no reason for expensive carbon replacements as there are other superior filter methods that require no ongoing carbon replacement and are virtually maintenance free. You can read about many of these marginal, if not entirely unethical methods below.
Please don't hesitate to give us a quick call for a quick evaluation of your issue. Keep in mind our technicians are not allowed to ask you to buy anything or pressure you in ANY way. They just answer your questions and give you great advice. We are the online leader for water treatment worldwide.
Many companies use this "Slick Willy" tactic to purposely make a softener use massive amounts of salt and require many future service calls to fix equipment and softener minerals that have become "Iron Bound" from improperly using a water softener as an iron filter.
To read more about this tactic please click on the link to the left that says "Iron"
While we sell backwashing birm filters and air injectors we find them marginal in comparison to state of the art oxidizing filters such as the "Terminox™ ISM" backwashing well water filtration systems. Birm filters have MANY drawbacks. Just another of these water treatment system sales tactics.
To read more about this please click on the link to the left that says "Birm"
We have greensand available for sale but we try not to sell it unless nothing else will work. Sometimes on really low flow rates with extreme iron issues we may have to, but that is normally reserved for commercial applications.
To read more about this please click on the link to the left that says "Greensand"
As the innovators AND ORIGINATORS of Pyrolox online, we have literally thousands of these units installed around the country and around the world. We know what they can and CAN'T do. Beware of companies who use Pyrolox as their MAIN LINE of iron and sulfur filters. Pyrolox is inferior in most cases powerful well water filters such as Terminox™. Though we do still sell them to people who feel like Pyrolox is what they want. To read more, please click on the link near the top left of this page that says "Pyrolox".
Acid neutralizers are made to do one thing and one thing only. They are made to raise pH in low pH water. You should virtually NEVER use a backwashing acid neutralizer tank for iron removal in any proper application. And you should never mix pH increasing minerals in ANY iron tank.
To read more please click on the link to the left that says "Acid Neut/Iron Filter".
CARBON TANKS-Well Water vs. City Water
Carbon tanks have NO PLACE on private wells for the most part. Many in home sale companies and now even online companies are starting to use these filters on well water. Bad mistake! Another of these marginal water treatment sales tactics.
To read more about this marginal sales tactic please click on the link to the left that says "Carbon Problems"
Many companies mistakenly use retention tanks for iron, sulfur and manganese issues. This is ridiculous.
To read more about these marginal tactics please click on the link to the left that says "Retention Tanks"
You should NEVER use a pellet chlorinator where iron bacteria or sulfur is present. It is one of the biggest scams in this industry. Please don't hesitate to give us a quick call for a quick evaluation of your issue. Keep in mind our technicians are not allowed to ask you to buy anything or pressure you in ANY way. They just answer your questions and give you great advice. We are the online leader for water treatment worldwide.
There is no need for chemical feeders for these applications unless there is iron bacteria or e-coli or coliform present.
To read more please click on the link to the left that says "Chem Feeder"
Iron bacteria can be a real problem for water treatment equipment and filters. In can clog them quickly and make filters intended to oxidize and filter, stop oxidizing.
To read more please click on the link to the left that says "Iron Bacteria"
If you already know what you need and are ready to buy a water filtration system, you can easily purchase a city or well water filtration system on the following pages.
City Water filtration systems and treatment options, City Water Systems
Well Water filtration systems and treatment options, Well Water Systems