FREE Water Testing Advice
Free water testing advice for people who have a private well. And they need help testing it. Or figuring out what they need to fix it. And we offer free water testing advice for people who live on public drinking water systems.
Private Wells
Normally on a private well. Or on a private spring water source. We need the following tests for most situations: iron, pH, TDS, and hardness. We offer these tests free of charge. Also, we test for nitrates for free. Which can indicate human or animal waste (such as fertilizer) in the drinking water supply. You will also need to know your flow rate. To be sure we get the perfect sized filter. A flow rate test is easy to do yourself. It usually takes just a couple of minutes. You can find instructions for checking your flow rate here: How do I check my FLOW RATE
We can also test your public water supply drinking water for free.
For other types of testing. Such as test kits. Or for the types of testing that you need to send in such as Arsenic, Lead etc. Please click here: Lab Services
Who should test your city water or private well water
We recommend that you should never have someone who sells water treatment systems. Or water filtration equipment. Come into your home to test your water.
You should get an independent test from a laboratory, health department, local university, your municipal water provider. Or even the local pool supply company (who will usually test for free). If you simply can't find anyone independent to test your water locally. We would be happy to test your water for FREE. And this for the more common well water, spring water or city water tests. And we always offer free water testing advice. As well as free water testing of the basics.
Send Us a Sample
If you would like to send us a sample. Simply give us a call. And we will tell you what you need to do. It is simple and easy. In some cases, depending on what is in your water. We may need to send you a container to put the water in for testing. In many cases that won't be necessary. Just call 1-800-684-0979. The following are some of the common tests we perform: pH, iron, TDS, nitrates and hardness. Just ask us if you need to test for something not on the list.
When you need a water treatment system for you home. Or you are looking to buy water filtration products water. Testing is a vital step in choosing the right system.

Water Testing is Important
The importance of a water test is to know what contaminants are in your water. So that you can treat it properly. And if it needs to be treated. The flow rate is very important. So that we can properly size any water filtration equipment that would be needed.
Poor water quality has an effect on not only your drinking water. But on water used in a variety of household functions. Contaminated water used for cooking may affect your health. While an excess of certain minerals can hamper cleaning activities in your laundry or bathroom. So whether you are on a private well. Or a city water supply. You should always have your water tested if any of the following occur.
Always test your water if:
If you are buying a new home. And wish to test the safety and quality of the existing water supply. Test for e-coli and coliform bacteria, nitrate, lead, iron, hardness, pH, sulfate and total dissolved solids (TDS).
Someone in your household is pregnant or nursing. Test for nitrates, sodium, iron, pH, TDS and bacteria.
If water stains plumbing fixtures and laundry. Test for iron.
Water has an objectionable taste or smell. Test for pH, iron and TDS.
If water appears cloudy, frothy or colored. Test for iron and hardness.
If water leaves scaly residue. And you get a lot of soap scum. And it cuts the cleaning action of soaps and detergents. Test for hardness.
And if there are unexplained illnesses in the family. Test for e-coli coliform bacteria. Also test for nitrate, lead, iron, hardness, pH, sulfate, TDS and other tests. Depending on potential sources of contamination.
If household plumbing contains lead pipes, fittings or solder joints. Or shows signs of corrosion. Test for pH.
You wish to monitor the efficiency and performance of home water treatment equipment. Test for the specific water problem being treated upon installation. And at regular intervals after installation. And if the water quality changes.
What to test for in your well
Where you live, or what you are living next to, can sometimes affect the quality of your water. This is why we offer free water testing. And free water testing advice.
Iron in well water
Levels as low as 0.2 to 0.3 ppm will usually cause brown or reddish staining of laundry and plumbing fixtures. The presence of iron bacteria in water supplies will often cause these symptoms at even lower levels. MCL = 0.3 ppm.
Water pH is essential
Intensity of the acid or alkaline condition of a solution. A pH of 7.5 - 8.5 is recommended.
Is seldom found alone in water. But it can occur. It is usually found in iron bearing water. The color black is often seen in some regard when manganese is present. MCL = 0.05 ppm.
Sulfur "Rotten egg smell"
The most obvious sign of a sulfur problem is thedistinctive "rotten egg" odor of hydrogen sulfide gas. As with odors caused by iron bacteria, the sulfur smell may only be noticeable when the water hasn't been run for several hours.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Solids refer to minerals, salts and metals dissolved in water. This includes anything present in the water other than pure water and suspended solids. MCL = 500 ppm.
Are naturally found in many types of food. However, high levels of nitrates in drinking water can make you sick. Nitrates in your well water can come from animal waste. Also from septic systems, wastewater, flooded sewers, water runoff, fertilizers and decaying plants. MCL = 10 ppm.
Mineral Hardness
Can cause too much soap / detergent usage and scaling. Hardness is caused primarily by calcium and magnesium.
Sodium and Salt
The average intake of sodium from water is only a small fraction of that consumed in a normal diet. People suffering from certain medical conditions such as hypertension may require a sodium restricted diet, in which case the intake of sodium from drinking water could become significant. MCL = 20 ppm (American Heart Association).
Is the most common solution used for disinfection of water. Not all types of bacteria are harmful. Biological contamination has two forms, pathogenic (disease causing) and non-pathonegenic (non-disease causing). All water supplies should be tested for biological content prior to use and consumption.
Refers to how clear the water is. The higher the amount of total suspended solids (TSS) in the water. The cloudier it appears. And the turbidity levels are higher. It may be clay and silt from shoreline erosion. Or bottom sediments and organic debris from stream and wastewater discharge.
Can cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, numbness in hands and feet, partial paralysis, and blindness. It can also cause damage to the skin, circulatory problems, and increase the risk of cancer. MCL = .01 or .05 (depending on local standards for your area).
How often some tests should be done?
You should check your well every spring to make sure there are no mechanical problems; test it once each year for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids, pH levels and mineral content. If you suspect other contaminants, you should test for those as well. It is best to test for these contaminants during the spring or summer following a rainy period.
These tests should also be conducted after repairing or replacing an old well or pipes. And after installing a new well or pump. Every three years test for sulfate, chloride, iron, manganese, lead and hardness. If a new baby is expected in the home. It is a good idea to test for nitrates, especially in the early months of pregnancy. And before bringing an infant home. And test again during the first six months of the baby's life. Or just correct it and stop worrying about it.
Free water testing advice.