Free Water Test
FREE Well Water Testing-FREE City Water Testing
How do I get a free water test?
Want a free water test? We would be happy to test your water for free. And if you would like to send us a sample for free water testing. It would be helpful to know the water source. Such as whether you need a free water test for city water or a private well. Additionally, you may have a spring or cistern as the water source. We consider that the same as we would consider a private well for testing. Because we consider any water that is not chlorinated as we would a private well. Also, if you need water tests or water testing for harmful bacteria or other harmful contaminants, you may need a paid water test. But if all you are trying to do is determine your general water chemistry to decide how much hardness or iron and things like that are in the water. Then the free testing is just fine for you.
How do I collect the sample?
Free water test samples can be sent to us in a plastic bottle with a plastic cap. It normally doesn't need to be a sterile container. And this sample normally needs to be raw water. So no water softeners or water filters or anything like that. The water needs to come directly from your private well or home city water source for the best water test. And remember to just rinse the bottle with raw water, do not use soap or other cleaners to clean the bottle. Soaps and cleaners can affect the accuracy of the water test. Also, remember to fill the bottle until it is completely full. And put the cap on tight. Because you don't want it to leak during shipping. Make sure no air remains in the bottle. It never hurts to over night the sample for the most accurate water test.
Questions about Testing?
Call us at 1-800-684-0979 for our Lab's mailing address and further instructions, or to ask questions about what is the correct water test. Also, we send different types of water tests to different labs we have across the country. So it just depends on what you need to test for in order for us to know where it needs to go.

*pH test:
PH is a very common test to determine if the water is acidic (Acid water). So if the water is 6.9 or lower. The water is considered acidic. And if the pH is 7.1 or higher, the water is considered to be "alkaline" or "base". A very high alkaline pH is corrosive. Also pH helps determine if certain filters such as iron filters, sulfur filters, manganese filters etc. will work properly. Certainly, if you have a private well it is ESSENTIAL to know your pH. Also, some city water municipal water supplies also have acidic water, which is bad for copper pipes, sinks, fixtures etc. The pH test is a free water test.
*Iron Test:
The iron test tells us how much iron is in the water. And once we know that, we will know what size filter we need to remove that much iron. Iron testing is mostly done to see how much iron is in well water. Because on city water (municipal) water supplies, the chlorine in the water turns the iron into a sediment, so there are other ways to remove it. And iron in city water also less likely to show accurately. Because the chlorine has turned it into a sediment form. The iron in water test is a free water test.
Hardness is commonly considered too be a mixture of calcium and magnesium in the water. Water hardness causes white spotting around the home. In higher amounts it can cause clogging in pipes. Hardness is hard on ice makers and things like tern that you iron your clothes with. Hard water can make skin dry and trap detergents in your clothing and laundry. These detergents often irritate peoples skin and they are often not aware of why their skin is irritated.
NOTE: The only way to treat really hard water is with a conventional type water softener that uses either salt, or a water softener salt substitute called potassium chloride. And potassium chloride is far more environmentally friendly. Be very wary of companies claiming they have "Salt Free" water softeners. NONE of these type devices are effective. Including magnets, alloys, electric coils that wrap around the pipes, tanks with various "Magical" minerals inside. They simply DO NOT remove the hardness from the water regardless of the sales pitch. The calcium hardness water test is a free water test.
We can test for nitrates if you suspect you have them. Nitrates are things like human and animal waste, fertilizers etc. Even if you have what the EPA considers acceptable levels, you might want to consider removing human waste, animal waste and fertilizer from your drinking water. And it is normally easy and inexpensive to do. The nitrate water test is a free water test.
*Total Dissolved Solids (TDS):
TDS Is a combination of hardness and other dissolved minerals in water. And the maximum amount of TDS water as set forth by the EPA is 500 MG/L. The TDS test is a free water test.
To determine the proper water filters you need for most homes with private water wells, the only water testing required are the free water test basics: iron, pH, TDS, hardness and nitrates. Also, on a private well you need to know your flow rate for proper system sizing. You can determine your flow rate by following the instructions on our FAQs page under item #7. If you need to test for sulfur that is a paid test.
Paid Water Testing
While our free water test is for the common basic water tests. We can do a water test for virtually ANYTHING in water. So as a rule of thumb, if you tell us what you are looking for, we can test for it. And if you do not see the particular item listed on this page that you wish to water test, please call us and one of our friendly water technicians can assist you.
Please Note:
Additionally, if you live near a farming area, you may want to consider adding pesticide testing too. Almost everyone who has a well has either had, or needs to have, an e-coli and coliform water test in order to use the water. So if you have not done these two test, you really should at some point. The cost is under $65. These are two common harmful bacteria that almost every city and county require to have done before you can use a private well or get a loan. Some places need you to get a water test that includes other things such as arsenic or lead. Never worry because we have a water test for just about anything you could normally want to know about. Our free water testing is for the basics that most people commonly need.
Additional Testing:
Finally, if you need to test your water for things like e-coli, coliform, arsenic, pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria, harmful organics etc. We can test for all of these things and much more. But those are paid laboratory tests. We simply can't do that for free. The free water test is for the basics. And we can test for just about anything. And we can do those types of tests at a very reasonable cost. We have packages of groups of common tests as well. So just click on the link below to check out our many different water tests that are available in addition to our free water testing.
View all of our paid tests.
Questions? Call 800-684-0979 for assistance.
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