Ultra Violet UV Light Sterilization Systems
Ultra Violet UV Sterilization is an effective way to treat harmful bacterium. Our Ultra Violet systems use the latest technology to ensure you get the most effective solution to your disinfection needs. Ultra Violet systems are normally used on water where e-coli and coliform are present or have been present in the past. The system is placed in your main water line where a UV bulb is in a clear sleeve. The water then flows by the lamp and the light from the bulb kills the bacteria.
YOU MUST put a sediment filter of some type BEFORE any UV light. If someone sells you a UV light but does not tell you that you need a sediment filter before it, you should be very wary of doing business with them. Any UV light without a sediment filter in front of it is a misapplication. We normally recommend a 5 micron sediment filter. For your convenience we have all of the UV lights below available with sediment cartridge filters. The ones listed are 5 microns and have large 20" high flow filters inside the canister, which is also included. Be sure to read the information lower on the page about when you can, or can NOT, use a UV light.
Ultra Violet systems are sized based on your flow rate. To determine your proper flow rate, please follow the instructions under item #7 on this page: FAQs
We would also recommend that before treating for harmful bacterium, you call and speak with a technician for advice on your specific application.
Questions? Call 800-684-0979 for assistance.
E-mail: support@waterfiltersofamerica.com
All models feature stainless steel housing, high output Ultra Violet lamps, premium advanced power supply with both visual and audio alarms.
PLEASE NOTE: Even if you have an alarm on a UV system, you should change the bulbs YEARLY, even if the alarm has not sounded. Failure to do so may end up in damage or complete failure of the system. This process should be followed regardless of the company who sell it or what the particular brand might be.
Large Sediment Pre-filters for UV Applications
PLEASE NOTE: Ultra Violet UV Sterilization Systems, regardless of who makes them or what their sales pitch might be, MUST have a sediment cartridge filter in front of the UV Light to protect against shielding from sediment. The following 20" filters will work on high flow or low flow systems. Do not trust anyone who would sell you a UV system without insisting you protect it with a sediment cartridge filter. Even if you have it after a water softener or backwashing filter (Both are misapplications anyway).
3/4" HF .5 Micron | 5143 | $99 | Buy Now |
1" HF .5 Micron | 5143 | $99 | Buy Now |
Premium Model UV Systems

1-3 GPM | 3P | $419 | Buy Now |
1-3 GPM/HF | 3PSC | $519 | Buy Now |
2-5 GPM | 5P | $489 | Buy Now |
2-5 GPM/HF | 5PSC | $589 | Buy Now |
3-14 GPM | 140P | $709 | Buy Now |
3-14 GPM/HF | 140PSC | $809 | Buy Now |
7-28 GPM | 28P | $919 | Buy Now |
7-28 GPM/HF | 28PSC | $1019 | Buy Now |
13-47 GPM | 47P | $1099 | Buy Now |
13-47 GPM/HF | 47PSC | $1199 | Buy Now |
Our Ultra Violet UV Sterilization Systems are low pressure with a high output lamp for much better disinfection. They are easy to install and save space. The bulbs are very easy to replace. They also have alarms to alert you if there are any problems. These UV units can withstand voltage fluctuations as well. Remember that you MUST have a sediment filter in front of ANY UV Light to prevent contaminants from being shielded from the light by sediment and other debris. The filters included in the cartridge filter systems are large high flow rate 20" replaceable cartridge filters complete with filter housing container.
Deluxe Models

3-14 GPM | 140D | $929 | Buy Now |
3-14 GPM/HF | 140DSC | $1029 | Buy Now |
7-28 GPM | 28D | $1109 | Buy Now |
7-28 GPM/HF | 28DSC | $1209 | Buy Now |
13-47 GPM | 47D | $1380 | Buy Now |
13-47 GPM/HF | 47DSC | $1480 | Buy Now |
Deluxe models include a new UV intensity monitoring device for added safety.
Replacement Bulbs and Cartridges

3 GPM | RB03 | $105 | Buy Now |
2-5 GPM | RB25 | $125 | Buy Now |
3-14 GPM | RB314 | $135 | Buy Now |
7-28 GPM | RB728 | $145 | Buy Now |
13-47 GPM | RB347 | $155 | Buy Now |
20"x4.5" Rpl (1) | 515951 | $28 | Buy Now |
20"x4.5" Rpl (6) | 515956 | $159 | Buy Now |
Note: Pictures may vary slightly.
When using a UV light there are many things that can make it the wrong application. In fact, there are very few instances with a private residential well where Ultra Violet UV Sterilization Systems is the right choice. Especially when installed with no pre-treatment. This includes the following:
Any measurable amount of iron. Iron can "Shield" the UV light and keep it from killing bacteria. If you use a backwashing iron filter to remove the iron it is still a misapplication because the bacterium could build up or grow in the backwashing filter itself in very large numbers. It would also flush that bacterium down the drain line and could effectively pollute other things or your own ground water system in some cases. It is a bad idea to use UV if you have any measurable amounts of iron in the water. Adding a sediment cartridge filter before the light does not solve this problem.
Any measurable amounts of manganese. Manganese can "Shield" the UV light and keep it from killing bacteria. If you use a backwashing manganese filter to remove the the manganese it is still a misapplication because the bacterium could build up or grow in the backwashing filter in very large numbers. It would also flush that bacterium down the drain line and could effectively pollute other things. It is a bad idea to use UV if you have any measurable amounts of manganese in the water. Adding a sediment cartridge filter before the light does not solve this problem.
The maximum hardness level acceptable for UV filtration is stated by MOST reputable UV light manufacturers to be 7 GPG or 120 PPM (MG/L). In the interest of caution and safety for our customers, we stop recommending UV lights on hard water at 6 GPG or 102 PPM (MG/L). Sediment cartridge filters and carbon carbon filters DO NOT remove hardness and offer no protection in this regard. BE VERY WARY of companies who use non-backwashing filters. And carbon filters of ANY kind on non-chlorinated wells. It is foolish and irresponsible. Carbon is the number one breeder of bacteria on a private well that is not chlorinated. And if it does not backwash it is much worse!
ANY amount of unfiltered dirt or sediment can also cause this shielding effect on a UV system. If the only issue you have is common dirt or sediment, it CAN often be removed by a replaceable cartage filter with a 5 micron or less cartridge filter inside. DO NOT use carbon filters in this situation on virtually any well where the water is not chlorinated or disinfected. Of course, if the water is properly chlorinated there is no real need for a UV Light to begin with.
BEWARE of anyone who does not know or explain this shielding effect before you buy. We were the first people in the United States to make this public knowledge in an effort to protect people from ingesting harmful bacterium. E-coli or coliform bacteria is not something anyone wants to get sick from. Over 90% of all UV systems we see in place on private wells have been misapplied. Some companies even put them on wells with large amounts of iron and hardness with no pre-treatment at all. A UV light should almost NEVER be the first thing in line that your water touches. Please feel free to contact a friendly tech at 800-684-0979 to be sure you have it right before you buy anything from anyone.