Flint Michigan Lead Alert!

Flint Michigan lead alert for their public water supply began in 2014.

Public schools ordered to shut off taps.

Flint Michigan’s Governor Declares State of Emergency.

Lead in water a health hazard in Flint Michigan.

State Police Handing out Bottled Water and Cheap Filters.

Residents have been drinking lead in their water for months.

Experiments with chemicals damages city water pipes--leeches lead.

It will cost 1.5 Billion to fix the problem but city is broke.

Residents and children are being poisoned by lead.

Lead can cause irreversible brain damage in children.

April 2014 Flint Michigan Lead Alert

In April 2014 Flint began to get it’s water from the Flint River, rather than from the City of Detroit in order to save money. But the water was high in salt which began to corrode the water lines in the city and began to leech high amounts of lead into the drinking water supply. While the sodium from the salt would not be beneficial to humans for drinking, the lead content is very toxic and harmful.

And while the move to the Flint River as a drinking water source saved millions, it was not long before the water began to smell like rotten eggs and the children of Flint and others began to get skin rashes and become sick. The water had 900 times the acceptable limit of lead.

While it is unclear exactly when the Governor, Rick Snyder, and other officials knew of the problem, it was not until Tuesday, January 5th, 2015 that the Chief of Staff wrote:

“I'm frustrated by the water issue in Flint. I really don't think people are getting the benefit of the doubt. Now they are concerned, and rightfully so, about the lead level studies they are receiving. These folks are scared and worried about the health impacts and they are basically getting blown off by us (as a state we're just not sympathizing with their plight).”

The US Department of Justice has recently said it is starting an
investigation into what went wrong. This occurred on the same day the Governor declared a state of emergency.


As we all know you must take action now to protect yourself and your family. Waiting for the local government to do the right thing and correct it could take YEARS. They readily admit they can’t afford to spend the 1.5 Billion dollars (Minimum) to correct it. The good news is that it is relatively easy and inexpensive to solve this issue. The following are some recommended solutions to the problem:

GOOD (Under $240)

A Reverse Osmosis drinking water filter in the kitchen for all of your cooking and drinking water.

Flint Michigan lead alert

This filter is simple to install and can be hooked up to the refrigerator for pure drinking water there as well. This does not address the rest of the household water, but will provide safe and tasty purified water that is as good or far better than bottled water. You can find them here:  Reverse Osmosis

Better: (Under $500)

A whole house carbon filter tank takes care of the whole house and greatly reduces lead in water.

It automatically backwashes periodically to clean itself and send all that unwanted lead, chlorine and other contaminants down the drain and away from the home. Add this unit with a reverse osmosis drinking water filter in the kitchen, at an affordable price, for a truly wonderful change in your overall water quality and drinking water that
is as good or far better than even drinking bottled water. See our whole house backwashing carbon tanks here:  Carbon Tanks

Best: (Under $1200)

Our Dual Purpose water conditioner and reverse osmosis system.

acid neutralizer
reverse osmosis RO

Our Dual Purpose Water Conditioner not only controls lead better than any other solution. It also softens the water for a cleaner home and softener skin. And it will also clean out your pipes and water lines over time. And that saves you a fortune in plumbing repairs, hot water heaters, and even lower the cost of heating your water for showers and other hot water household uses. The reason it is called Dual Purpose is that it has dual tanks (one stacked on top of the other) that clean and softener as well as removing unwanted contaminants and chemicals.

The top tank has whole house carbon. Like the tank mentioned above. And the lower tank is a water softener. Water softeners are very efficient at removing lead from the water. It is always best to filter the water before softening and that is accomplished by the carbon tank above. Most home owners finds this unit fairly easy to install themselves. Add a reverse osmosis drinking water filter in the kitchen. It is great for cooking and drinking water. And you have the perfect system for clean,
lead free luxurious water. You can find the dual purpose water conditioner here: Dual Purpose Water Conditioner.

Please don’t hesitate to contact a friendly water tech at 800-684-0979. For a discussion of your situation. And to determine exactly what you need. And what it should cost. Don’t worry. Because our friendly water techs are never allowed to ask you to buy anything. Or pressure you in any way. They just care about you and give you great advice.

Flint Michigan Lead Alert