Chem Feed Systems for Chlorine Injection
Chem feed systems for chlorine injection. This same equipment can be used to inject soda ash if you need to raise the pH of your water. These can be injected separately, or together. Different methods of chemical feed systems are included on this page.Common Well Water Chlorination System Options:
There are several option for using chlorine injection.
This page explains what the difference is, and recommends equipment (including prices) for different types of situations.
(1) Firstly Injecting Chlorine Into Water Line (without retention):
Chemical feed systems
This first method uses much less chlorine than other methods. Chlorine is injected directly into the water line to kill sulfur smells. You simply mix a small amount of chlorine (like ordinary household bleach) with water in a 16 gallon chlorine container. This is NOT an effective method of treatment for iron or other applications that require retention time (such as for killing ecoli bacteria, where the water is in contact with the chlorine for 20-30 minutes in a holding, or retention tank). If all you want to accomplish is to remove the sulfur smell, this is the way to go. And we find Clorox bleach to work just fine. Please use non-concentrated household bleach. We sell chlorine testers for only $15 Buy Now
110V Pump | 470115 | $445 | Buy Now |
220V Pump | 470215 | $445 | Buy Now |
16 Gal Tank | 4713 | $100 | Buy Now |
35 Gal Tank | 4714 | $149 | Buy Now |
Flow Switch | 4713F | $190 | Buy Now |
110V Pkg. | 4701PKG | $545 | Buy Now |
220v Pkg. | 4702PKG | $545 | Buy Now |
Special Package:
Special package includes a chemical feed pump, 16 gallon mixing tank, and flow switch. Save $15 when you combine these three units.

Now Only $705 Buy Now
* The special package is recommended for people without a pressure tank, or people who need to install the unit after the pressure tank.
(2) Chemical Feed System Using 42 or 120 Gallon Storage Tank:
Next, Chlorine is injected with a chemical injection pump (commonly known as a chemical injection pump, a chemical feed pump or a chemical dosing pump) into the water between the well and the bladder (or pressure) tank. It then runs through a large storage tank to allow contact time. A backwashing carbon tank removes the chlorine and other contaminates like tastes, odors, organics and chemicals. Then a water softener removes hardness and calcium (gives you great suds and softer skin). A sediment filter is recommended for wells with any sediment or dirt problems. NOTE: All 120 gallon tanks are delivered by semi-truck only. You must have a place where the truck can get to you for delivery.Iron bacteria and retention tanks
This system addresses iron and iron bacteria, e-coli bacteria, coliform bacteria and other contaminants that need contact time. But contact time is usually only essential for removing harmful bacteria such as e-coli and coliform. So for example iron bacteria usually does not need retention tanks when a chemical feed system and Terminox™ are on the system. Unless it is really massive iron bacterium. You can also add soda ash or other ingredients to a liquid chlorinator to raise the pH levels to above 7.2 if you have acid water. Low pH greatly reduces or hampers a water softener's ability to perform properly. Not to mention acidic water "eats away" at household pipes and fixtures. This application requires a storage tank (retention tank) large enough to give the water 20-30 minutes of contact time with iron bacteria. This is in addition to any chem feed systems you may have.NOTE
You MUST have sample ports before and after retention tanks in order to test chlorine levels. Reverse Osmosis Drinking water system recommended same as above.DESCRIPTION | ITEM | PRICE | BUY NOW |
Chem. Pump | 470115 | $445 | Buy Now |
16 Gal. Tank | 4713 | $100 | Buy Now |
35 Gal. Tank | 4714 | $149 | Buy Now |
40 Gal. Tank | 4225 | $495 | Buy Now |
80 Gal. Tank | 4226 | $688 | Buy Now |
120 Gal. Tank | 4227 | $779 | Buy Now |
30K Softener | 7138A | $489 | Buy Now |
1.5 CFT Tank | 675B | $675 | Buy Now |
5 Stg. RO Sys. | FMRO5 | $239 | Buy Now |
"Big Blue" | 5143 | $99 | Buy Now |
Comes Complete with Easy Install Kit
NOTE: When ordering Chem Feed Systems Pump, BE SURE you know if it is 110v or 220v well pump that you have. Additionally, the Chemical Feeder Pump should be the same voltage as the well pump in most cases. Finally, Chlorine production depends on chlorine and water mixture. We will be happy to advise you on the mixture for your application. Please feel free to call us at the toll free number listed below or email us at the e-mail address below for more information.Simple, Easy to use Chlorine and ph Testers

Digital pH Meter
The PH-80 is an economically priced, reliable pH meter that is ideal for testing applications such as well water, city water, pools & spas, aquariums & reef tanks, water ionizers, drinking water and more. Features:- Measures pH and Temperature
- One-touch automatic digital calibration
- Water resistant
- Simultaneous temperature display
- Sleek, lightweight design
- Large LCD display
- Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC)
- Auto-off function, data-hold function and low-battery indicator
- Includes storage solution in a sponge embedded in a translucent cap
- Factory Calibrated
- Includes a cap, batteries, storage solution and pH 7.0 buffer
Buy Now
These tests measure the pH level and Chlorine levels present in the water using the drop count method. Therefore, they are great for diagnosing your water so you can determine whether you need to add an acid neutralizer tank on well water or on city water if you need to reduce the amount of chlorine in the water. It is always a good idea to check the pH after the chemical feed system.DESCRIPTION | ITEM | PRICE | BUY NOW |
pH Test | 4739 | $10 | Buy Now |
Chlorine Test | 4738 | $10 | Buy Now |
Water Filters of America™. The best name in Iron and Sulfur filters too!
Other Products Include: Water Softener-Used in water treatment to remove calcium and magnesium from the water to create soft water and prevent calcium or scale build up and to make soaps more efficient. Acid Neutralizer-Used in water treatment to neutralize acidic water and to raise the pH level. Reverse Osmosis-For use in water treatment to reduce the total dissolved solids (TDS) from the water creating pure, clean, great tasting drinking water. Commonly used to greatly reduce the sodium content after a water softener. Iron Filters-Used in water treatment to remove heavy metals, odors and colors. A good iron filter will remove iron, sulfur, manganese, taste and odor from the water. Dirt/Turbidity Filter-For use in water treatment to remove dirt, turbidity, sand and sediment from the water. Well Water Systems-Complete packages for well water treatment. Including iron filters, chlorine injection systems, retention tanks, water softeners, reverse osmosis drinking water systems and ultra violet sterilizers. Well Water Equipment-Where you will find chlorine injection pumps, pressure tanks, pressure switches and well water accessories for getting you well up and running.