Well Water Softener Information and Advice

Well water softener information and advice. How to buy the correct well water softener system. Well water softener information and advice on how to buy the correct well water softener system. WATER SOFTENER SYSTEMS

You should never use a water softener. Or any salt using system. To remove iron from your well water. And you should not use them to remove sulfur or manganese either. In fact, using a well water softener to remove anything other than hardness is usually a mistake. And it can be your first warning sign that you are being steered entirely in the wrong direction. A water softener should only be used for its original purpose.

And that is to replace the mineral hardness in the water. With either sodium or potassium chloride salt substitute. And that is why you use sodium chloride (salt) in a water softener. But if you are trying to make the water sodium free. You would use potassium chloride (Sodium free salt). And this is common when salt water is used to water lawns. Or where you want the water softener discharge to be more environmentally friendly.

You Should Never Drink The Water That Comes From A Well Water Softener
We don't believe you should drink the water from ANY water softener. Water softeners simply trade sodium from salt . With the hardness that is in the water. If you have 200 ppm of hardness before you run the water through a softener. You will likely have 200 or more sodium after the water softener. The EPA says the maximum safe drinking water standard is 30 ppm. The American Heart Association says that you should normally stay under 20 ppm. We agree with the American Heart Association's position. Especially if you have high blood pressure or other marginal heath conditions. You should either drink bottled water or add a reverse osmosis drinking system to further refine or purify water for household drinking after running your water through a well water softener. Reverse Osmosis for purifying drinking water after the use of a well water softener is very inexpensive to buy and maintain.
There Is Really No Such Thing As A Salt Free Water Softener That Is Truly Effective
We have seen and tested everything from magnets and electronic pipe wrapping devices to nano this and Pelican that, including incredibly expensive devices with stainless steel tanks and other silliness. We have yet to see a single one that can pass any normal softening test. The way they appear to sell such contraptions is by explaining various reason why their device can't pass these tests. The reason that the tests can't be passed is that these devices do not soften. Period. These devices are absolute proof that you can sell Americans anything.
Sodium Free Softeners Do Actually Work
If you are looking for a sodium free device we can simply give you a well water softener that regenerates using potassium chloride. These devices cost the same and are far more environmentally friendly as they do not add sodium to the ground water supply. Potassium chloride is readily available but is usually twice as expensive than regular sodium water softener salt.
How To Determine What Size Well Water Softener You Need


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Having difficulty sizing the right system? 
Or deciding on one of our Well Water Treatment Systems? Call one of our expert technicians. To see which Well Water Treatment System is right for you. Keep in mind our technicians are not allowed to ask you to buy anything. Or pressure you in ANY way. They just answer your questions. And give you great advice. We are the online leader for water treatment worldwide. We set the standard for all others to follow. You should NEVER drink the water from ANY filtration system that uses salt. Unless you have a Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System. And you should NEVER attempt to use a water softener to remove iron. Read why on our Iron Softener page. Water Softener Sizing Chart 1-4 people: 30k grain water softener unit 1-6 people: 45k grain water softener unit 1-8+ people: 60k grain water softener unit 8 or more people: Give us a call. We have every size you could need. If your water is very hard (Above 10 GPG or 171 PPM), you may want to go up in size. Please feel free to give us a quick call for friendly no hassle advice. For homes with an automatic dishwasher. Count the dishwasher as 1/2 person when sizing your home water softener. For homes with an automatic clothes washer. Count the clothes washer as 1/2 person when sizing your home water softener. NOTE: Anyone considering purchasing well water treatment equipment, should first gather the information required under items, 7, 16 and 17 on this page: Articles/FAQ's Well water softener information and advice for sizing.