Shocking a well is usually only a good idea to do once. Normally, it is not a good idea to shock a well on a regular basis. Especially if it has iron or manganese in the water. It is only recommended that a well be shocked one time. Such as when it is a new well. Or if it tested positive for coliform or ecoli bacteria. And has never been shocked before.
If you have iron bacteria or sulfur odors. Or if it has been shocked before. And the bacteria came back. It is best to treat outside of the well. So you do not create larger problems in the future. If you must shock the well then we would recommend you follow these instructions to do so.
How to shock a well
Pour two gallons of regular unscented Clorox® bleach down into the well head. Let the chlorine sit in the well for an hour. Go to the farthest faucet from the well. And turn on both hot and cold water all the way until you either smell chlorine. Or you can test for chlorine using a swimming pool chlorine test kit. Once you smell chlorine. Turn off the cold water and let the hot water continue to run until you once again smell chlorine.
Hot water will usually take longer. Because the water has to work its way through the hot water tank. Once you smell the chlorine on the hot water side. Shut off that faucet and open up every faucet inside and outside of the house. Including washing machines, hose bibs, dishwashers etc. And flush all toilets. Once you have chlorine at the farthest faucet. All the other ones will generally have a chlorine smell quite quickly. Shut off all water every where and let it sit at least over night or for 24 hours if you can.
24 Hour Disinfection Period
After 24 hours has passed (Or at least overnight). Turn all faucets on in the house until you no longer smell chlorine. And flush all toilets. Running a full cycle in the washing machine and dishwasher while they are empty is a good idea. That is it. You have now shocked your well and disinfected all your water lines. Some people just wait until it has sat with chlorine overnight. And this is ok. But if you can let it sit 24 hours, that is a good idea.
Remember, chlorine is very volatile. It is dangerous to work with in small or confined areas. Make sure the area is well ventilated. Also, you should wear safe clothing and equipment when shocking a well. Wear goggles to avoid contact with your eyes. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. And rubber boots for your feet. Wear coveralls or waterproof clothing. As always, please do not hesitate to call and speak with one of our expert technicians if we can assist you in answering any of your water treatment questions.
How long should I wait after shocking a well to test again for coliform bacteria or ecoli bacteria?
It is always best to test after 60 days. If it is going to come back you want to know it. If you are in a hurry you can test after a week or two. If it is already positive, no need to wait 60 days anyway. If it is positive at ANY point after you have properly shocked the well, it is best to assume it will always have harmful bacteria and treat it.
Can I use a UV light if I have iron in the water as well as harmful bacteria?
NO! If you have ANY measurable amounts iron, or high levels of hardness above 5 GPG or 100 PPM. You simply CAN NOT use UV lights. Be very wary of anyone who would say otherwise. There are a lot of unethical people out there who will sell you something wrong just to make money. Even if they know it will make you sick.
You will likely have to chlorinate the water if you have iron, manganese, lots of sediment or if the water is very hard at all. Medium hard is TOO hard for UV. But that is usually pretty easy and inexpensive to do as a rule. So don't worry. Just give one of our friendly water techs a cal and they can explain whether you can use UV, or have to chlorinate or use some other method. Remember that our water techs are friendly and kind. They do not work on commission and are not allowed to ask tyou to buy anything. They just help you figure things out properly. There is no charge for our free advice. Even if you use that advice to buy elsewhere. Just be sure to follow that advice. For more help just call 800-684-0979 for assistance.