Iron bacteria are a bacterium that actually eats or ingests iron. And after it eats this iron. It then looks for a corner or other place to grow. And then colonize into a virtual bacteria community. We find that it grows really fast in carbon tanks and carbon filters. As well most different types of mineral beds in backwashing filters

Carbon use is a bad idea
Carbon, in our opinion, is the number one breeding ground for bacteria. And that is why we do not recommend using carbon on private wells that are not chlorinated. And even on chlorinated well water. It is not a good idea. Because the carbon must be replaced on a regular basis. Some companies sell
carbon tanks simply to add expensive ongoing service calls to make money. But there are better backwashing filters for well water. And they not only remove contaminants such as iron, sulfur and manganese. But they also remove chlorine. And you don't have ongoing expensive mineral replacements as you do with carbon. Normally the proper way to treat most applications that involve iron bacteria. Is to inject a light mixture of water and chlorine (Clorox) into the water line. And then remove the iron, iron bacteria and chlorine with a
Terminox™ backwashing filter. There will be no chlorine in the home. And no chlorine in the septic system as the Terminox™ filter takes it back out. After removing the iron bacteria and iron. Also be wary of companies who tell you that you must have large retention tanks to remove iron bacteria. With our system it is simply chemical feed. And a Terminox™ well water filter.
Retention tanks are rarely needed
The addition of retention tanks is primarily used to kill harmful bacterium. Such as harmful e-coli and coliform bacteria removal. You normally
do not need retention for iron, sulfur and
iron bacteria removal. Especially when you have a Terminox iron filter. And in fact, the needless retention tanks are not only bulky, expensive and take up a lot of space. But they actually make the application worse. As they require constant ongoing maintenance to drain off excess iron. And iron, sediment, sand and other unwanted debris that collects in the bottom of the tank. So if you don't drain these big retention tanks on a regular basis. They will just keep building up these contaminants. And that will eventually make your equipment fail. And that creates expensive service calls. Of course that is how some companies make a living. Please don't hesitate to give us a quick call for a hassle free evaluation of your issue. Keep in mind our technicians are not allowed to ask you to buy anything or pressure you in ANY way. They just answer your questions and give you great advice. We are the online leader for water treatment worldwide.