Discounted Water Treatment Systems
Discounted water treatment systems. Such as iron filters, acid neutralizers, chemical feed pumps and chlorination systems. And we also sell water softeners, cartridge filters, ultra violet (UV) systems and more. Complete systems for private well water or city water at the lowest prices. The content on this page will change frequently. So bookmark to your favorites today!
Items are in great working condition. And all come with a full 30 day warranty. Also with life time 7 day a week tech support!
We rarely have very many discounted water treatment systems on this page. Because we rarely get anything back. And our equipment is usually virtually trouble free. But people sometimes order the wrong thing. Or we use something temporarily at a home show or other occasion. But when we do get them. And sale items usually sell really fast. So sometimes it is best to call and tell us what you need. And then we can check to see if anything has come in like that.
Supplies are limited so call to check for availability and to place your order.
Questions? Call 800-684-0979 for assistance.
The equipment found on this page is top of the line, reconditioned to like new. And all equipment has all remaining manufacturer warranties. The equipment below is not all used. Because in some cases it was an open box item that we have put together in to complete filtration systems, mainly Backwashing Acid Neutralizers. Refurbished equipment is available on occasion. So if you are looking for a particular item. Please call our techs and ask, if you do not see it on this page. This page will change, so please check back periodically or add it to your favorites so you can easily see any new updates. The pictures on this page are normally pictures of the actual equipment that will be shipped out.
Acidic water has a pH of 7 or less. Water should be treated when below 7 pH. Most iron filters require a pH of 7.5 or higher to work well. A calcite system uses crushed and screened white marble limestone. Which is dissolved in the water to neutralize acid water. Acidic water can cause blue or green stains when you have copper pipes. These units can be used in City Water to raise pH and create alkaline water.
12” x 48” EZ Fill Backwashing Acid Neutralizer

Call for special price.
Chemical Feed Chlorine Injection Systems
Chemical feed units are for iron bacteria treatment, E-coli, and coliform treatment. Also a chemical feeder used for chlorine. Also can be used for soda ash injection to raise pH at the same time. And pumps can be purchased as single units or complete with mixing tank.
110v Chemical Feed/Chlorine Injection Pump w/35 Gallon Tank
This 220v chemical feeder was originally ordered instead of a 110v. It is perfectly functional and already set up for a quick install. One of our most popular discount water treatment systems.