City Water Conditioner System
City water conditioner system packages listed below are some common complete city water conditioning packages. And they all include a drinking water purification system. And that removes unwanted contaminants. Such as salt, sodium, heavy metals, strong chemicals, chorine, dissolved solids. They can also remove TDS, lead, arsenic, bacteria etc. Also, we build every system from scratch. We manufacture all of our city water treatment systems right here in the good old USA! And our support staff are also all based in the United States. They know what they are doing. And you can understand what they are saying!
These are our most popular city water conditioner systems. And they are good for community wells, township water, Boro water and almost all "municipal" water supplies. Everything you need in one package. All of these complete water conditioner systems provide soft luxurious water. And they also purify the drinking water to bottled water quality or better. The best drinking water money can buy. And they are "Made in America".
Complete Water Softener System
Includes this premium quality demand (Metered) 1 cubic foot water softener.

*Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System

BOTH ONLY *$728 Buy Now
Ultra Soft Conditioned Water that makes your skin and clothes so soft. "On Demand" (Metered) saves you money on the amount of salt (or potassium) you use. It only cleans when it needs to. So the average customer adds salt only once a year when properly applied. And the Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System purifies your water and removes sodium left behind by softeners and conditioners. Removes unwanted contaminants from drinking water such as chorine, salt, dirt, heavy metals, chemicals, nitrates, arsenic, TDS, dissolved solids etc. Saves money on coffee, teas and juices. Replaces ALL name brand water softeners and provides the same, or better quality of water. Buy Now
Demand Water Conditioner System

Demand Water Conditioner 1.0 Cu. Ft.
Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System.
Huge inline 2O inch carbon filter removes chlorine and odors from the shower and the whole house.
ALL 3 ONLY $807 Buy Now
Ultra Soft Conditioned Water that makes your skin and clothes so soft. And the "On Demand" electronic control saves you money on the amount of salt (or potassium) you use. Because it only cleans when it needs to. So the average customer adds salt only about once a year when properly applied. The Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System purifies your water and removes sodium left behind by softeners and conditioners. Saves money on coffee, teas and juices. Replaces ALL name brand water treatment systems and provides the same, or better quality of water. Buy Now
OUR PREMIUM Whole House System
Water softener, water conditioner and drinking water purification system. All in one package. Our most popular system for efficiency and value. This whole house water treatment and filtration system has FREE SHIPPING!

ALL THIS ONLY $1549 Buy Now
DUAL Purpose Demand Water Softener-Conditioner and Purifier- Save $1000's (Retail value $4950 or more).
1 cubic foot water softener/conditioner tank
1 cubic foot carbon whole house purification tank
The 2 separate tanks hold two separate filtration media. When one cleans itself they both clean. Uses half the water of systems with two completely separate controls for each tank.
It is the most efficient water saving conditioner on the market today! And no other companies such as Culligan® and Rainsoft® have them. The absolute ultimate in full house water conditioning and purification. Includes a Premium Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water unit. It provides up to 50 gallons of fresh pure drinking water per day. Buy Now