Water Storage Tanks/ Retention Tanks

Water storage tanks and water retention tanks are different normally. So when you need "contact time" (time for the water to stay in a tank with chlorine or other chemicals to do their job), retention tanks are the way to go. But if you are trying to store water for a weak producing well or other purpose. Then a storage tank (sometimes called an atmospheric tank) is the correct type of water tank. So if you have a weak producing water well. Then you can pump into a storage tank. And then put another pump after the storage tank to pump into the house. Also, most people then move their pressure tank to where it is AFTER the storage tank.

Water Storage Tanks and Retention Tanks

These lightweight tanks have no metal to corrode. And they offer an opportunity to "drain off" excess iron, sediment and other unwanted contaminants. Because these sediments "Drop Out" to the bottom of the tank. And that keeps them from entering your water supply in the home.

Call For Availability  800-684-0979

40 Gal Tank4225$495Call for availability
80 Gal Tank4226$688Call for availability
120 Gal Tank4227$779Call for availability
In-Line MixerMA-4$99Call for availability

NOTE: Optional "Accelerator"($99.87) makes a small tank act like a much bigger tank for people who have available space problems.

ALSO NOTE that you should have sample ports before and after retention tanks in order to test chlorine levels. And a simple water faucet or ball valve faucet for this purpose is fine.

Read about the unnecessary usage of Retention Tanks.

For more well water treatment information try this page:

Water Filters of America™ Chemical Feed, Chlorine Injection

Atmospheric (Non-Pressurized) Water Storage Tanks

Atmospheric Water Storage Tank

Translucent, seamless, one piece construction. Designed for indoor or outdoor applications. Easy to install. FDA approved.

Vertical Storage Tank

The following two tanks are round (31" and 36" across respectively), and the other number is for the height. The inlet is at the top. There is a top cover. The outlet is at the bottom of the tank.

135 Gal 31"x55"VST165$719Call for availability
300 Gal 36"x78"VST300$959Call for availability
Water Storage Tanks With Frame

Specially designed to fit through a conventional doorway. It comes with a steel support frame.

375 Gal/FrameFST375$1938Call for availability
Freestanding Water Storage Tanks

These have the same features as the 375 gallon water storage tanks, except they do not need a frame to support them.

300 Gal/FSFST300$1371Call for availability
400 Gal/FSFST400$1571Call for availability
PVC Bulkhead Fittings (for installation on tanks)
1/2" Slip x FIPTBF12$29Call for availability
3/4" Slip x FIPTBF34$33Call for availability
1" Slip x FIPTBF1$37Call for availability
1.25" Slip x FIPTBF125$44Call for availability
1.5" Slip x FIPTBF15$49Call for availability
2" Slip x FIPTBF2$72Call for availability
3" Slip x FIPTBF3$132Call for availability

Questions? Call 800-684-0979 for assistance.

E-mail: support@waterfiltersofamerica.com

If you do not see the size of water storage tanks or retention tanks that you need, just give us a call.