Non electric water softeners have no brain. They should only be used in extreme cases where electric is unavailable. Any other electronic water softener is smart enough to only regenerate or clean itself in the middle of the night or at a designated time of day where people will not be showering. This is the correct method.
Beware the TWIN TANK salesman
They promise that these units clean one tank while the other s in use. These non-electric marginal twin tank systems can cycle any time of day. Catching unsuspecting customers in the shower with poor and fluctuating water pressure. The reason this is bad is that it uses the majority of the water pressure while recycling. That makes for a horrible shower in most cases. It would be like turning on a shower and then turning on the dishwasher and clothes washer at the same time. In most houses that would cause a reduction in shower pressure or make the water start going cold and hot intermittently ruining a relaxing shower. If a salesman selling a twin tank non electric softener starts giving you this sales pitch talking about 24 hours soft water. The way you will know he may be misleading you. Is that his lips are moving. We rate these systems as the very lowest quality of all brands of conventional softeners. If you decide you really want a twin tank unit that is fine. Just get one that is electric so it is smart enough for the perfect result. We have them starting at $888.non electric water softeners Click on the picture for more information about our Premium Twin Water Softener. And remember, you should not drink the water from ANY softener. Please don't hesitate to give us a quick call for a quick evaluation of your issue. Keep in mind our technicians are not allowed to ask you to buy anything or pressure you in ANY way. They just answer your questions and give you great advice. We are the online leader for water treatment worldwide.