Chemical feed Pump Diagram

This chemical feed pump diagram may help you understand how a chemical feed pump is set up. This is the older version with the diaphragm style pump and chemical feed pump parts. Our newer pumps have been upgraded to where the diaphragm is no longer used. And that means far less parts and maintenance. If you have any more questions please call us at: 1-800-684-0979

And please note that all of our chem feed pumps and part are American Made. And we offer US Based Support as well.

Degasser Pump Diagram

Chemical Feeder Replacement Parts


Item #Price 
Parts for Diaphragm Pump   
Diaphragm for Chem Feed PumpChemD1$45Buy Now
Acrylic Head for Chem Feed PumpChemAC$80Buy Now
Ball Check for Chem Feed PumpChemBC$6Buy Now
Valve Seat for Chem Feed PumpChemVS$4Buy Now
Valve Spring for Chem Feed PumpChemVSP$6Buy Now
Foot Valve Assy. for Chem Feed PumpChemFVA$47Buy Now
Injection Fitting for Chem Feed PumpChemIFA$89Buy Now
Degasser Head for Chem Feed PumpChemDH$99Buy Now
Parts for Peristaltic Pump   
Injector for peristaltic PumpCHEMIP$47Buy Now
Replacement Feeder Tube #3Tube3$24Buy Now
Replacement Feeder Tube #6Tube6$24Buy Now

If you have a different style of pump, such as a peristaltic pump. Just give us a call for assistance.

All units sold upon approval only. Prices and shipping subject to change. not responsible for source water changes or misapplications.