PFAS Forever Chemicals
PFAS forever chemicals are found in virtually all American's blood streams now. PFAS have been exposed by numerous watchdog organizations. To be a leading health hazard in the American drinking water supplies.
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New research from EWG has found PFAS chemicals. And commonly called “forever chemicals”. In the drinking water of dozens of U.S. cities. Nearly all Americans’ blood is polluted with PFAS chemicals. And those have been linked to cancer. And to other serious diseases.
Our new report shows that previous estimates of the number of Americans exposed to PFAS chemicals. Were actually dramatically underestimated. And of the tap water samples from 44 places across 31 states. And in the District of Columbia area. Only one location had no detectable PFAS chemicals. And even more alarming. The highest levels of PFAS were found at an elementary school!
Check out the full report. And find tips to help protect your family from PFAS chemicals here: PFAS EWG INFO PAGE.
EWG Chart for PFAS
EWG’s samples collected by staff or volunteers between May and December 2019. And were analyzed by an accredited independent laboratory for 30 different PFAS chemicals. A tiny fraction of the thousands of compounds in the family of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. An EPA-mandated sampling program that ended in 2015. And it tested for only a few types of PFAS. And required utilities to report only detections of a higher minimal level.
The EPA also only mandated testing for systems serving more than 10,000 people. Whereas EWG’s project included a sample from a smaller system. And that system was excluded from the EPA program. Because of those noted limitations. The EPA rehab system was ported finding PFAS at only seven of the locations where EWG’s tests found contamination.
In the 43 samples where PFAS was detected. The total level varied from less than 1 part per trillion in Seattle and Tuscaloosa, Ala. To almost 186 ppt in Brunswick County, N.C. The only sample without detectable PFAS was from Meridian, Miss. Which draws its drinking water from wells more than 700 feet deep.
The samples with detectable levels of PFAS contained, on average, six or seven different compounds. One sample had 13 different PFAS at varying concentrations. The list of the 30 PFAS compounds we tested for. And the frequency with which they were detected. Is detailed in the appendix.
‘Forever Chemicals’
PFAS are known as “forever chemicals”. Because once released into the environment they do not break down. And they build up in our blood and organs. Exposure to PFAS increases the risk of cancer. And harms the development of the fetus. And reduces the effectiveness of vaccines. Bio-monitoring studies by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Show that the blood of nearly all Americans is contaminated with PFAS.
The most notorious PFAS compounds are PFOA. Formerly used by DuPont to make Teflon. And PFOS compound. Formerly an ingredient in 3M’s Scotch-guard. And those compounds have been phased out under pressure from the EPA. But they persist in drinking water, people and the environment. In EWG’s tests, PFOA was detected in 30 of 44 samples. And PFOS in 34 samples. The two compounds represented approximately a quarter of the total PFAS level in each sample.
EWG has mapped PFAS in drinking water or ground water in almost 1,400 sites in 49 states. Previously, our analysis of unpublished EPA data estimates that water supplies for 110 million Americans may be contaminated with PFAS. And that estimate could be much too low. Based on our new findings.
EPA Alerted in 2001
The EPA was first alerted to the problem of PFAS in drinking water in 2001. But in almost 20 years has failed to set an enforceable, nationwide legal limit. In 2016 the agency issued a non-enforceable lifetime health advisory for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water of 70 ppt. And independent scientific studies have recommended a safe level for PFAS in drinking water. Of 1 ppt, which is endorsed by EWG.
In the absence of a federal standard for PFAS, states have started to set their own legal limits. New Jersey was the first to set to a maximum contaminant limit for the compound PFNA, at 13 ppt. And has proposed standards of 13 ppt for PFOS. And 14 ppt for PFOA. Also some other states have now set or proposed limits or guidelines for PFAS in drinking water. Including California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina and Vermont.
EWG Tests Uncover Contamination Missed by EPA
EWG’s results are in sharp contrast to nationwide sampling by most public water systems. Mandated by the EPA between 2013 and 2015. And in the EPA tests. 36 of 43 water systems tested reported no detectable PFAS. To include New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and Washington, D.C. The EPA’s Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring program. Included only six PFAS compounds. And the minimum reporting limits were from 10 ppt to 90 ppt. Obscuring the full scope of PFAS contamination.
No further testing
Since the EPA program ended. There has been no further nationwide testing of public water systems for PFAS. Some states, including New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania and California. Have conducted additional sampling. And made the results public. And some local communities, including Ann Arbor, Mich., and Wilmington, N.C. Regularly test for PFAS. Then they released the results.
But other communities have been less forthcoming with PFAS test data. The Philadelphia Water Department states that it is “proactively testing for PFAS in source water and has not detected concentrations above EPA’s advisory level.” EWG’s tests of Philadelphia water show total PFAS concentrations at nearly 50 ppt.
Our results are meant to highlight the ubiquity of PFAS. And the vulnerability of the nation’s drinking water supply to PFAS contamination. Also they underscore what an expert said at the Water and Environmental Technology Center at Temple University. Which is in Philadelphia, PA. Said about PFAS contamination. “If you sample, you will find it.”
EWG’s tests
EWG’s tests represent a single sample from each water system. And may not represent what is coming out of a tap today. So results from a single sample form a snapshot of what was found in tap water at a specific site. And they are likely representative of the water in the area. Where the sample was taken. But are not intended to identify specific water systems. The cities and counties listed. May be served by multiple public water systems. Serving various proportions of the area’s population.
You can read more of the comments from the EWG. And sign a petition they are circulating to stop PFAS contamination. And you can also join the EWG’s mailing list. Just go to this page: PFAS EWG INFO PAGE